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F Delerue, Georges Glorreichen, Die Milan / A 243 LP 00:33:33
F Delerue, Georges Greed in the Sun / Paul Gauguin Prometheus / PCD 101 CD 00:48:34
F Delerue, Georges Joe Versus the Volcano Masters Film / SRS 2014 CD 00:48:19
F Delerue, Georges Jules and Jim / La Cloche Thibetaine Prometheus / PCD 103 CD 00:50:54
F Delerue, Georges Le Cinema de Georges Delerue Universal Jazz/Emarcy / 531 263-0 CD 07:08:34
F Delerue, Georges Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, The AVM / AVM-CD-2001 CD 00:43:29
F Delerue, Georges Man Trouble Varése / VSD-5369 CD 00:40:32
F Delerue, Georges Our Mother's House / 25th Hour FSM / Vol.6 No.10 CD 00:57:51
F Delerue, Georges Promise at Dawn Polydor / 4-5502 LP 00:35:02
F Delerue, Georges Promise at Dawn Play Time / PL1510305 CD 00:55:10
F Delerue, Georges Revolution Francaise, La Music Box Records / MBR053 CD 02:06:46
F Delerue, Georges Silkwood Polydor / 821 516-1 LP 00:36:09
F Delerue, Georges That Man from Rio Kritzerland / KR 20012-3 CD 01:10:49
F Delerue, Georges Thibaud - The Crusader Prometheus / PST 502 LP 00:47:56
F Delerue, Georges True Confessions TER / 1013 LP 00:30:55
F Desplat, Alexandre Coco avant Chanel Varése / VSD-6968 CD 00:39:34
F Desplat, Alexandre Ghost Writer, The Varése / VSD-7007 CD 00:42:12
F Desplat, Alexandre Harry Potter 7.1 - Deathly Hallows Sony / 88697794712 CD 01:13:56
F Desplat, Alexandre Harry Potter 7.2 - Deathly Hallows Sony / 88697919682 CD 01:08:03
F Desplat, Alexandre Rise of the Guardians Varése / 302 067 175 2 CD 01:07:47
F Dessau, Paul Four Alice Comedies RCA / 09026-68144-2 CD 00:56:59
F Deutsch, Max Schatz, Der (A Film Symphony) CPO / 999 925-2 CD 01:14:02
F Diamond, Neil Jonathan Livingston Seagull C B S / 69047 LP 00:42:21
F Doldinger, Klaus Boot, Das WEA / 58-366 Y LP 00:36:18
F Doldinger, Klaus Boot, Das WEA / Blu-Ray Bonus CD 00:38:30
F Doldinger, Klaus Unendliche Geschichte, Die WEA / 2292-50396-2 CD 00:41:33
F Donaggio, Pino Blow Out Prometheus / PCR 515 CD 00:51:19
F Donaggio, Pino Carrie United Artist / UA-LA-7164 LP 00:32:26
F Donaggio, Pino Carrie Kritzerland / KR20017-5 CD 01:31:38
F Donaggio, Pino Catacombs Digitmovies / CDDM021 CD 00:39:47
F Donaggio, Pino Donaggio - De Palma: Love and Menace Milan / CDCH 384 CD 00:56:48
F Donaggio, Pino Dressed to Kill Intrada / Volume 246 CD 00:58:43
F Donaggio, Pino Hercules Intrada / ISE 1013 CD 01:12:05
F Donaggio, Pino Herkules Varése / STV 81187 LP 00:49:18
F Donaggio, Pino Troublemakers, The Epic / 478 431 2 CD 01:06:14
F Donaggio, Pino Zelly and Me Varése / VCD 70442 CD 00:33:58
F Donner, Michael Robin Hood - Ghosts of Sherwood Astro-Records / NF 90666 CD CD 01:16:23
F Doyle, Patrick Carlito's Way Varése / VSD-5463 CD 00:41:36
F Doyle, Patrick Dead Again Varése / VSD-5339 CD 00:31:39
F Doyle, Patrick Dead Again LaLaLand-Records / LLLCD 1284 CD 01:17:33
F Doyle, Patrick Donnie Brasco Varése / VSD-5834 CD 00:37:06
F Doyle, Patrick Frankenstein Epic / EK 66631 CD 01:09:54
F Doyle, Patrick Hamlet Sony / SK 62857 CD 01:16:29
F Doyle, Patrick Harry Potter (4) The Goblet of Fire Warner / 9362-49631-2 CD 01:15:57
F Doyle, Patrick Henry V EMI / CDC 7499192 CD 00:59:16
F Doyle, Patrick Igor Varése / VSD-6926 CD 01:01:19
F Doyle, Patrick Indochina WEA / 9031-77338-2 CD 00:52:12
F Doyle, Patrick Last Legion, The Colosseum / Promo CD 00:51:19
F Doyle, Patrick Much Ado About Nothing Epic / EPC 473989 2 CD 00:59:02
F Doyle, Patrick Nanny McPhee Varése / VSD-6690 CD 00:53:21